Friday, February 26, 2010

berangere claire via greedy girl
이런 식의 스타이링이 필요하다규... 할수만 있다면야.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

vancouver 2010

photo by a. vision on Flickr
this past thanksgiving while we were visting the FAM in Busan, we invited ej to come stay with us during the Olympics so we could drive up together to watch the ski jump event in Whistler. fast forward to 2nd week of feb. we were among hundreds of spectators witnessing the world's greatest ski fliers take off into the sky 마치 한마리 새처럼... it was simply spectacular.

in my brown bag

spring is almost here. now only if the rain would go away. for some reason i tend to gravitate toward blue hues these days. i know it's still too cold out but spring will be here in no time.

from westelm

see by chloe the favorite chloe day dress $350 @ bloomingdales

marc by marc jacobs lala leaves dress $298 also @ bloomingdales

steven alan some odd rubies baby doll dress $290

Monday, February 15, 2010

sneak preview on sneakers

1 + 2: Bensimon Sneakers $55 {shopbop}
3: TOMS Shoes $54 {tomsshoes}
톰스는 신어봤으니 이번엔 2번 당첨.

Monday, February 1, 2010

spring forward in pretty pink

이달의 Buy: Cole Haan Air Travel Zip Wallet
Normally I would not pick something this "pink" for a wallet but Valentine's Day is coming up and I really needed a travel wallet. So even though it was out of ordinary for me I decided to brave it out and purchase this pretty pink wallet from Cole Haan. I also get a very generous discount through work so it didn't cost me the MSRP of $198. The wallet is available on line and in stores near you.