Sunday, April 25, 2010

이달의 Buy: #2

We had great weather in P-town this weekend. I was looking at my closet this morning and thought it'd be good to put some of the heavier stuff in storage and put some fresh spring pieces out and back in the closet. Um... I found nothing fresh. Everything looked so... boring. I feel like now that I am in my early 30's I should really invest in a few very well made pieces that will last me through the decade. I didn't have any of those... So I moved on to my shoe rack in our other storage room. Nothing seemed to match the beautiful weather outside in there either.

So what did I do? I went shopping. I honestly can say that I don't enjoy it as much as I used to, and most of my shopping is done on-line these days anyway. With less than 2 hrs spent at the stores, first at Saks (btw the P-town store is consolidating/closing come July this summer) and then at the Rack, I came home with 6 pairs of new shoes. Yikes, went a little overboard but the prices made sense and of the 6, two were on my wishlist. As soon as I got home, I lined them up in the very front of my shoe rack so I can see them first thing when I open the door. Oh the Spring has come.